Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Out of Order

Sorry Folks!

We're in the midst of massive technical difficulties so we're going to have to go off-line for the next couple of weeks. We have really enjoyed our time on the DP Blogger and hope to return to you as soon as we possibly can!

Your friends,

Jason & Beka
The Kiev Daily Photo

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sparks were flying!

I snapped this man working in an underpass of Kreshatic Street. The laws must be very different in Ukraine compared to North America for construction. People operate heavy machinery and large trenches are dug to access underground pipes right out in the open. Barriers are rarely set up to keep the public at a safe distance. But for the curious, it's nice to be up front and close to the action.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Time Warp

*Well, after a week of massive technical difficulties
we're back online :)

(Podil Pt. 7)
I guess it's time to wrap up our series on the Podil district. I thought after all those beautiful colors this photo would be an appropriate conclusion. Standing in the midst of this historical neighborhood, looking down this dirt carved road I am suddenly transported back 60 years. I close my eyes and I can hear the vendors of yesterday plying their wares; I hear women flapping carpets in the wind; and somewhere in the distance, a siren begins to sound...

Monday, January 08, 2007

Room with a View

(Podil Pt. 6)
Whoever gets this corner spot is going to have a wonderful view!

Sunday, January 07, 2007


(Podil Pt.5)
After walking about halfway through the Podil district we came upon this curious little courtyard. I looked at this archway and all I could think was, "Lego-land...I feel like I'm in Lego-land."

Saturday, January 06, 2007

One House, Two House...Red House, Blue House

(Podil Pt. 4)
The color of this building stopped me in my tracks! I couldn't keep my eyes off it.

Anyways, the Podil district was home to one of the largest Jewish quarters in Ukraine. The Soviet leaders were not the first to segregate the Jews but when they did they chose the lowest point in the city. It was thought that now they could look down upon them not only socially but physically as well.

Friday, January 05, 2007

As Blue as the Sky

(Podil Pt.3)
This house seems almost therapeutic to me. Who could possibly be depressed while living in a towering, baby blue, baroque styled house? I was just reading online recently about one of the development projects that has been approved for the Podil district. As of Dec. 23rd of this year construction has begun on a new state-of-the-art, 44-story office building. Surprisingly, this structure will be the tallest building in the entire city of Kiev. It will not only be accompanied by a housing development for employees but it will be topped by a helipad and restaurant with a panoramic view. The entire venture will cost somewhere around $300 million USD!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Something old...something new!

(Podil Pt. 2)
As we walked through the muddy, unpaved streets I was continuously amazed by the colors of the buildings. Peach, teal, olive green, deep burgundy...colors you would never see in North America!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


The Podil district is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Kiev and probably one of the most beautiful! It is presently under a full-scale renovation/restoration but we were privileged to have been able to walk through and take some pictures while it is still in process. The next few days will be dedicated to the amazing structures found within the Podil district.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Along with the glittering Christmas decorations, Kiev has brought out the Ukrainian colors with these brilliant flags. I have seen them out in Freedom Square on many special occasions and they always capture my attention.